Regd. No. 4044 – 245 of
1985 –86
Registered Office
Department of Physiology, S.C.B. Medical College,
Amended up to January 2007
Conceived & Compiled By
Dr. Umakant Satapathy
Assistant Professor
Edited By
Prof. Rama Raman Mohanty
Prof. Bipin Bihari Pradhan
Association was established on 9.1.82.
3. THE
of Physiology, S.C.B. Medical
College, Cuttack.
4.. AREA
State and outside the state.The Association can be
affiliated to any National and International society with approval of two third
members of the association.
a) There will
be three classes of members namely:
i) Physiologists residing
in Orissa.
Present and Ex-staff of three Medical Colleges of State or any other Faculty. iii)
Physiologists of allied science provided that at least one third of the members
of the
support the proposal of membership of such
a candidate.
b) Fees for membership:
Annual subscription for ordinary members shall be Rs 25/=(Twenty five) only subject to
change by the general body. Subscribtion for life membership Rs 250/-(Rupees two
hundred fifty only) subject to change by general body.
c) Termination
of membership.
i) Any member in arrear dues for more
than two consecutive years without
adequate explanation shall be dropped from the roll of membership.Such
members may be re-instead by a written request along with arrears and an
additional charge of Rs5/(Rupees five only).
ii) All complaints against
members shall be investigated by the Governing Body. Any member against whom a
formal charge is made of conduct prejudicial to the interest of the Association
shall be given an opertunity to be heard in his own defence and may there after be honourably
acquity excused, censored, suspended, or expelled,
after consideration of the chargees by the Genaral body.
6. Aims
and object:
i) to
promote the knowledge of physiology among its members through reseach group discussion presentations of scientific papers
ii) To
arrange meetings symposia,conference ect for exchange of ideas amongst its members and
scientists from outside.
iii) To
mobilize and encourage talents through resources available locally or
iv) To
coordinate and promote the teaching of physiology in college.
7. Associations year and governing Body
i) Associations
year begins from the 1st September and
ends only 31st August of
each year.The term of office shall be for one year.
ii) The
election will be held in the month of September in every year.
iii) All
office bearers except the immediate past president shall be elected by the
members of general body through open
iv) New
office bearers shall be elected in the month of September and shall take up
office on the same month after election.
8. Meetings:
i) The
General Body:
The General Body shall consists of members of the
Association of Physiologists of Orissa.
ii) The
Governing Body should consists of the following 9 Office bearers, who will be
elected every year by the General body excepting immediate past President.
a) President one
b) Vice President two
c) Secretary one
d) Joint Secretary cum Treasurer one
e) Immediate Past President one
f) Executive members of Branches three
The Governing Body should hold meeting at least
three times a year and shall be responsible for the smooth management of the
Association. Five members will form the quorum of the Governing Body.
In case of non availability of a member from a
particular college the office bearers are empowered to nominate the said
member/members from amongst general members.
9. Duties and Responsibilities:
i) Governing
Body: The governing body shall discuss the day to –day problems of the
Association , approve enrollment or
cancellation of membership, fix up dates for meeting and conference, prepare,discuss and approve the budget to be put up before the General body ,sanction
funds for expenditure as per approved budget and do any other work as may be
necessary in the best interest of the association.
Duties/ responsibilities of the Member of the governing body
a) President
shall be the custodian of the association and
shall ordinarily preside over all meetings of the general body and
governing body. The president may distribute work among the office
bearers for smooth running of the business of the
Association, he can temporarily suspend any office bearer on the recommendation of the Governing Body till
such action is finally taken up the General Body. He amy
call special meeting of the Governing Body. He can give ruling on the subject
mater or time limits of discussion of any member in the meeting of the General
body and Governing body. He can direct the secretary to expunge a part or whole
of the discussion of a member from the proceedings of the meeting.
b) Vice
They shall exercise
all the power of the President during the absence of the President. If both the
vice Presidents are present during the absence of the President the senior one will preside over the meeting and will
exercise the power of the president.
c) Secretary:
meetings, Frames programmes and makes available for
the President and decides the business of each meeting. He shall remain
in-charge of all meetings, prepare papers, files, documents of the Association. He shall record proceedings of all
meetings, prepare and present annual report and other reports, receive letters,
and make correspondence and issue notice in consultation with the Presidents.
d) Joint
Secretary cum Treasurer:
Secretary’s absence in consultation with the President he shall be the
custodian of the funds of the Association. He will open a Bank account. He
shall issue funds on the advise of the Secretary and maintain accounts. He
shall maintain the records of the receipts and expenditure. He shall be
stationed at Head Quarters.
iii) Legal Actions:
The legal actions will be instituted
against the Joint Secretary-cum Treasurer or any other member of the
Association for misappropriation of the funds of the society.
10. Meetings:
i) Annual General Body meeting:
Annual general Body meeting shall be convened around
the month of September to elect office bearers for the next year, approve the
budget and balance sheet, discuss and approve rules of the constitution/
amendments, pass resolution moved by the Governing Body or any member. six
weeks notice shall be given for the Annual General Body Meeting. Resolution
shall reach the secretary four weeks before the meeting.
ii) Emergency
general body meeting:
An emergency Genral Body meeting can be convened at any time by the
governing Body or with a resolution from one third of the members of the
Association. Decission on the mater for which the
meeting is convened can be valid after approval of 2.3.majority of the members
iii) Quorum:
The presence of atleast 1/3 of eligible members
will constitute the quorum for the General Body Meeting and emergency General
Body Meeting.
iv) Ammendments to rules of costitution:
The amendments and
modifications can be proposed by any member so as to reach the Secretary before
four weeks of General Body Meeting. The Governing Body Meeting should approve
them before they are put before
the General Body in its Annual Meeting for adoption. The Governing Body itself
can propose amendments / modifications. Such adoption shall require approval of
at-least 2/3 majority of the members present.
11. Audit:
accounts of the Association shall be audited
by an eligible accountant and can be presented by the Treasurer.
12. Dissolution:
Upon dissolution of the Association the assets will be handed over to the Govt. of
Orissa, after clearing all its debts and liabilities. The Association shall not
be dissolved unless three fifth of the
members have expressed a will for dissolution by their votes at a General Body Meeting convened for the purpose.
Certified that there is no
other society or Association with the same name at the same place.
Signature of President: Dr. Raj Kishore
Vice- President: Dr. Jogindra
Mohan Senapati.
Secretary: Dr. Banchhanidhi Parida.
Joint Secretary-cum
Treasurer. Dr.Basanta
Signatures Attested:
1.Resolution Dt.8.11.1986: 2nd Annual Conference,V.S.S. M.C.
Regarding Affiliation to APPI:
It was unanimously agreed to affiliate the APO with a National Organisation of Physiologists i.e. APPI. The new secretary
of APO was authorised to take up the mater of affliation with APPI at an early date.
2.Resolution Dt.8.11.1986: 2nd Annual Conference,V.S.S. M.C.
Regarding Bishnupriya Devi Memorial Award at
Dr.B.N.Parida, informed the house that Dr.S.C.Tej has
donated Rs.1000/- in the memory of his mother
Bishnupriya Devi, for giving a prize out of
the interest amount to the best student of Physiology of S.C.B. Medical College,
Cuttack. It was unanimously resolved to accept the donation with thanks to Dr.Tej. A fixed deposit account will be opened at SBI
Cuttack in the name of APO and to be jointly operated by Secretary and Joint
Secretary cum Treasurer. The Annual interest will be spent only for the purpose it was donated.
3.Resolution Dt.12.12.1987: 3rd Annual Conference,M.K.C.G..MC.
Regarding Finance Secretary of APO:
It was ammended that that Joint Secretary cum
Treasurer will be a member of the Central Office of APO and will be redesignated as Finance Secretary APO. He/She
shall collect the annual subscription money from members and provide necessary
pad and money for the secretarial expenses of the General Secretary of the APO
for the session.
4.Resolution Dt.12.12.1987: 3rd Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Felicitation:
It was resolved that the retired Physiologists should be felicitated by
the APO in the Annual Conference w.e.f. 1988.
5.Resolution Dt.12.12.1987: 3rd Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Membership fees:
Resolved that the Annual membership fee will be raised from Rs. 25/- to
Rs.30/- and the Life Membership fee from Rs.250./- to Rs.300/- with immediate
6.Resolution Dt.12.12.1987: 3rd Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Business Meeting:
Resolved that the Business meeting of the Executives will be held on the
previous day of the Annual Conference.
7.Resolution Dt.11.12.1988: 4th Annual Conference,S.C.B.M.C.
Election of General Secretary of APO:
Resolved that the General Secretary of the APO should preferably elected
from among the members of the Branch hosting the Annual Conference.
8.Resolution Dt.11.12.1988: 4th Annual
Conference, S.C.B. M.C.
Handling of Funds of APO:
Resolved that all the funds collected in respect of the APO is to be
deposited with the State bank of India, Cuttack and will be operated by the
Finance Secretary.
9.Resolution Dt.11.12.1988: 4th Annual Conference,S.C.B. M.C.
Strategy for Expenditure of Central Fund of APO:
Resolved that 50 % of the Annual Interests incurred from the deposits of
the Central Fund will be utilised for the Conference
expenses and will be made available to the Branch hosting the Annual
Conference. The rest 50 % will be utilised for organising the Symposium or Guest Lectures, equally devided for three branches, to be deposited in respective
State Banks operated by the HOD Physiology. In case of nonutilisation
by any branch the amount shall be transferred to the branh
hosting the Annual Conference for utilisation in the
10.Resolution Dt.9.12.1989: 5th Annual Conference,V.S.S. M.C.
Conference Accounts and Local Branch Fund:
Resolved that the Conference Accounts of Rreceipts
and Payments should be finalised within three months
of the Conference and will be presented in the General Body Meeting for
approval. After approval the balance amount must be deposited in the State Bank
at the Local Branch of APO, jointly
operated by the Organising Secretary and the
Treasurer. The interest accured will be utilised for organising the
future Conference, Symposium and Guest Lecture at the same branch of APO.
11.Resolution Dt.10.11.1990: 6th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Office Expenditure of the General Secretary, APO:
Resolved that for the maintainance of the
office of the General Secretary, APO, Rs. 200/- shall be given from the Central
Fund. Any additional official expenditure of the General Secretary will be
considered according to the position of the Central Fund.
12.Resolution Dt.10.11.1990: 6th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Reception Committee Members:
Resolved that Zoologists, Psychologists, Home Scientists from local
Institutions and Universities may be included as Reception Committee Members in
the Conferences.
13.Resolution Dt.12.12.1992: 8th Annual Conference,V.S.S.. M.C.
Office Record of the General Secretary, APO:
Resolved that the General Secretary , APO should maintain a record book
of the APO activities, which is to be handed over to the next new General
14.Resolution Dt.12.12.1992: 8th Annual Conference,V.S.S.. M.C.
Best Student in Physiology
Resolved to institute Awards for
the best student in Physiology, one Dr. Brundaban
Singh Memorial Award at M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur and another Dr. R.N.Sen Memorial Award at V.S.S. Medical College, Burla. An
award money of Rs. 100/- is to be
arranged by the respective branches.
15.Resolution Dt.5.12.1993: 9th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Date of Conference:
The Central Executive Committee is to authorize the Organising
committee to decide the Date of the Annual Conference preferably on First
Sunday of December of every year.
16.Resolution Dt.5.12.1993: 9th Annual
Conference M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Memorial Lectures:
Proposed by Dr.Anupama Panda to start Memorial
Lectures in honor of departed Physiologists irrespective of the contributions
of their family members.First
Lecture to be in memory of Dr.Nirupama Bhuyan at S.C.B
Medical College, the 10th Annual
17.Resolution Dt.5.12.1993: 9th Annual
Conference M.K.C.G. M.C.
Regarding Dr.R.N.Sen Memorial Oration fund:
Dr. Arun Kumar Pradhan was authorized to maintain the record of DrR.N.Sen Memorial fund
at Berhampur and the amount collected at Cuttack and Burla is to be
transferred to Berhampur and the balance amount after the expenditure may be
deposited in the Bank at Berhampur in the Joint Account of General Secretary Dr.Arun Kumar Pradhan and Joint
Secretary Dr.Basanti Pradhan.
18.Resolution Dt.15.11.1997:12thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding P.G.Paper award:
A PG Paper competition will start from 1997. At-least two/three
(preferably three) participants are required.Only
certificate will be given and cash award will be given after a suitable
permanent source is arranged.
19.Resolution Dt.15.11.1997 12th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.
Regarding Life Membership fees:
The life membership fees raised to Rs.400/- from Rs.300/- and Annual
membership fees Rs. 50/- w.e.f. 1.1.1998
20.Resolution Dt.15.11.1997:12thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding P.G.Paper Competition:
Prof. Binapani Patnaik
volunteered Rs.3000/- for the PG award in the name her mother-in-law Late Purnamasi Devi. The Interest per annum will be given as the
cash award.
21.Resolution Dt.15.11.1997:12thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding session of Elected members:
Resolved that
session of elected members for each year unless otherwise mentioned will be
from December to November of next year.
22.Resolution Dt.15.11.1997:12thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding Limitations of Organising Committee:
Organising Committee should not interefere the
privileges of the Governing Body, empowered by the Association Constitution. In
organising the Conferences, management of programmes the Governing Body should be consulted upon from
time to time and in mater of dispute the decision of the Governing Body would
be final.
23.Resolution Dt.15.12.1998 13th Annual Conference,S.C.B. M.C.:
Regarding publish of name of PG paper award winners in Souvenir.
The names of the PG paper award winners will be published in the
forthcoming Souvenirs starting from 1997-1998.
24.Resolution Dt.10.2.2000: 14th Annual Conference,V.S.S.
Regarding CEC Meeting:
There will be atleast two Governing Body
Meeting( CEC ) per year. One in the month of July and second on the day before
the Conference and the session will be from DECEMBER to NOVEMBER. No TA will be
provided for attending the CEC Meeting.
25.Resolution Dt.12.11.2000:15thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding Prof. Basanta Mardaraj
Prof.Basanta Mardaraj volunteered Rs.20,000/- to be kept
in a fixed deposit and the Annual Interest amounting to Rs.1000/- will be given
as cash award to the Undergraduate student securing highest mark in Physiology
in the Ist Professional University Examination
among the three Medical Colleges of
26.Resolution Dt.10.11.2001: 16th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding Registration of the Co-Authors:
The registration of the co-authors for presentation of Scientific papers
or Posters will be mandatory, with out which the paper/ poster will not be
acceptable for presentation in the Conference or publish in souvenir. The
registration will be in the form of payment of delegation fees in advance along
with the abstract of the paper or poster.
27.Resolution Dt.10.11.2001: 16th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding attendance and registration during the Conference:
Any In-service member(Life Member or Annual Member) remaining absent in
two consecutive conferences of APO or non-payment of delegation fee in one
conference with effect from 2002 conference will lose his/her membership of
APO. In order to continue as a member he/she has to become a fresh member by
paying usual membership fees. This is mandatory for the In-service members only
i.e. those working under the Government of Orissa. The senior members already felicitated
by APO, are however exempted from this mandatory attendance/payment.
28.Resolution Dt.10.11.2001: 16th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding Privilege of various types of Members:
All types of Members Physiologists or Allied Sciences
enjoy equal rights and privileges at presenting the papers/posters. However if
the co-author is a Physiologist then presentation by the Physiologist member is
desirable but not compulsory.
29.Resolution Dt.10.11.2001: 16th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding Orations and Guest Lectures:
Due to paucity of funds for different Orations, all
the Orations are to be converted to Guest Lectures. The selection of speakers,
topic etc to be decided by the Organising Committee
of the Conference. However the Organising Committee
can initiate /continue the Oration if funds permit.
30.Resolution Dt.10.11.2001: 16th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding Dr.R.N.Sen
Memorial Fund:
Fund collected for Dr.R.N.Sen
Memorial Oration at Berhampur is to be transferred to Burla Branch of APO and
merged into the Dr.R.N.Sen Memorial fund at Burala Branch.
31.Resolution Dt.9.11.2002: 17th Annual Conference,V.S.S. M.C.:
Regarding Maintainance of
Attendance and issue of Warnings:
Attendance of the members attending the CEC Meting and
General Body Meeting is to be maintained. Warning is to be issued to the
working Physiologist members who have not registered and those who remained
absent during the Conference after registration.
32.Resolution Dt.9.11.2002: 17th Annual Conference,S.C.B M.C.:
Regarding Dr.R.N.Sen
Memorial Fund:
The Dr.R.N.Sen Memorial fund at V.S.S.Medical College, Burla will be operated jointly by
the HOD Physiology of V.S.S.Medical College, and the
Finance Secretary of APO and the separate identity of the fund will be
33.Resolution Dt.23.11.2003: 18th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.
Regarding Strategy for Expenditure of Central Fund:
Income means the annual interests
incurred from the Life Membership Fee deposit only.
Maximum allowable limit of the expenditure in different heads are as
Academic activity: 40 %
Felicitation aid: 20 %
Central Office Expenditure: 30
Savings: 10
If expenditure is not incurred in any of the above heads it wll go to savings.
34.Resolution Dt.23.11.2003: 18th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.
Regarding Strategy for Expenditure of Local Fund:
A fresh decision regarding the handling of the Branch
savings was made and is as follows:
The surplus money after
each conference is to be kept as a fixed deposit in the name of the local
branch. At the end of three years,
during the conference, only the interest of the deposit may be utilised (if urgently required) as
the immediate available source of cash and if spent , special effort should be
made by the organisers to restore it.
35.Resolution Dt.23.11.2003:18thAnnual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.
Regarding Nirmala Bala
Memorial Award:
Dr. Anupama Panda, voluntered Rs. 4000/-(
Rupees four thousand only) to institute one undergraduate award in the name
of her Mother, Late Nirmala
Bala Dash and will be designated as Nirmala Bala Memorial
Award. Henceforth no cash will be given
for Dr.Brundaban Singh award (only certificate
will be given). For the Nirmala Bala
Award Rs.200/- and a certificate will be
given to the Undergraduate
student of M.K.C.G. Medical College, Berhampur securing highest mark in Physiology.
Henceforth the Berhampur student will
get two awards w.e.f. 2004.
36.Resolution Dt.23.11.2003: 18th Annual Conference,M.K.C.G.M.C.:
Regarding Cash amount of Undergraduate awards:
It was decided that henceforth the cash amount for the
each Undergraduate award will be Rs.200/- instead of Rs.100/- and will be met
by the Local Branches as before w.e.f. 2004.
37.Resolution Dt28.11.2004:19th Annual Conference, S.C.B.M.C:
Regarding best free paper presentation award:
Dr. Arpita Priyadarshini donated a sum of Rs.10,000/- to istitute a best free paper presentation award named “Prof
Niranjan Bishnupriya award”
in the name of her father & mother. The money is to be deposited in the
central fund as fixed deposit and the annual interest incurred will be utilized for the award. Any
faculty member of the department of Physiology of Orissa, presenting a free
paper will be entitled for the award.
38.Resolution Dt.28.11.2004:19th Annual Conference SCB
MC Cuttack
Regarding All Orissa Quiz competition:
It is decided that in order to popularize Physiology
an all orissa written quiz competition will be
conducted simultaneously in the three medical colleges of Orissa. The
responsibility of organizing the quiz like setting up questions, date, time,
evaluation and prize to the winners, lies with the organisers
of the conference of the year. the expenditure incurred will be borne by the organisers.
39.Resolution Dt.11.11.2005:19th Annual Conference SCB
MC Cuttack
Regarding the award money of different awards:
It was ammended that as the
cash amount for different awards is very less, the same is to be given in form
of seals and or mementos.
40.Resolution Dt.11.11.2005:19th Annual Conference SCB
MC Cuttack
Regarding the enhancement of Life Member fees:
It was decided to raise the life member fee from
Rs.400/- to Rs 500/- w.e.f. 2006.
41.Resolution Dt.11.11.2005:19th Annual Conference SCB
MC Cuttack
Regarding the balance money of conferences:
It was decided that 10% of the balance money of the
annual conferences is to given to the finance secretary for deposit in the
central fund.
42.Resolution Dt.18.11.2007:22nd Annual Conference MKCG MC Berhampur
Regarding the Physiology Quiz:
It was decided that to
popularize Physiology a written quiz will be conducted simultaneously in six
medical colleges. It will be organized by a quiz committee nominated by the
central executives. To meet the expenditure of the quiz a fund will be
generated by contribution of Rs 2000/- by each member. It will be kept as a
fixed deposit and the interest money only is to be utilized for the purpose.
Dt.18.11.2007:22nd Annual
Conference MKCG MC Berhampur
Regarding the Life member fees.
It was decided that the Life
member fees will be raised from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- w.e.f
year 2008
44.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the balance money of conferences:
It was decided that in modification of the 41st amendment on
11.11.2005, the organizing branch will not pay any amount to the central fund after
the conference is over. It is only the responsibility of the organizing branch
to host the conference with the available resources, when their turn comes. The
fund deposited by the Burla branch will be returned by the Finance Secretary.
45.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the Shakuntala Memorial Award:
Prof Jyotsnarani Patnaik, HOD Physiology, HITECH Medical College,, voluntered Rs. 5000/-( Rupees five thousand only) to
institute one undergraduate award in the name of her Mother, Shakuntal
Devi and will be designated as Shakuntala
Memorial Award. This amount is to be deposited in the Central fund in shape
of fixed deposit. Each year Rs. 200/- from the interest money accrued will be
given to the organizing branch for the award.The awardee will be the
Undergraduate student of
HITECH Medical College, Bhubaneswar securing highest mark in Physiology. w.e.f. 2008.
46.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the Prof Kamala Nanda Memorial Award:
Prof Kamala Nanda, VMKV Medical College,,
volunteered Rs. 5000/-( Rupees five
thousand only) to institute one undergraduate award in the name of her own name and will be designated as Prof.
Kamala Nanda Memorial Award. This amount is to be deposited in the Central
fund in shape of fixed deposit. Each year Rs. 200/- from the interest money
accrued will be given to the organizing branch for the award. The awardee will be the Undergraduate student of SCB Medical College, Cuttack securing highest mark in Physiology. w.e.f. 2009.
47.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the Om Sri Sri Gurudev
Prof Surekha Devi, IMS &
SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar volunteered Rs. 5000/-(Rupees five thousand only) to
institute one undergraduate award in the name of her GURU and will be designated as Om
Sri Sri Gurudev Award. This amount is to be deposited in the Central
fund in shape of fixed deposit. Each year Rs. 200/- from the interest money
accrued will be given to the organizing branch for the award. The awardee will be the Undergraduate student of IMS & SUM Hospital,
Bhubaneswar, securing highest mark in Physiology. w.e.f. 2009.
48.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the award money of all awards:
It was decided that all the undergraduate awards will
be given in the form of certificate & mementoes only. No cash will be
given. For all the undergraduate student
awards except Prof
Basanta Mardaraj Award a
sum of Rs. 200/- for each award will be given to the organizing committee for
purchase of mementoes and uniformity
will be maintained in the mementoes.
49.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding Prof Basanta Mardaraj
It was decided that the Prof Basanta
Mardaraj Award will be conferred to the best
undergraduate student in Physiology amongst all the six medical Colleges of Orissa.A written consent to this effect was obtained from
Prof Basanta Mardaraj.
50.Resolution Dt.23.11.2008:19th Annual
Conference KIMS Bhubaneswar
Regarding the Quiz fund collection money:
It was decided that the contribution for quiz fund
will be reduced from earlier Rs.2000/- to Rs 500/- to Rs 1000/- (minimum
Rs.500/- to maximum Rs.1000/-). Members who have already paid
Rs.2000/- may take back the excess money from the Finance Secretary.
Like previous years the mementoes and certificates will be given to the 1st , 2nd &3rd prize
winners. Apart from that certificates will also be given to the students
securing highest mark in quiz from each college provided that he/she has
secured more than 50% mark in quiz. Colleges from which the students have
secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions will not
get such certificate.
51.Resolution Dt.29.11.2009:24th Annual
Conference SCB MC Cuttack
Regarding the Prof Minati Sahoo
Prof Minati Sahoo,
instituted an award in the name of Prof. Minati Sahoo Award, to be given to the student securing highest
mark in Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry from KIMS. She donated Rs.
5000/- to be deposited in central fund as fixed deposit. The interest money
will be spent for the award.
52.Resolution Dt.29.11.2009:24th Annual
Conference SCB MC Cuttack
Regarding the KIMS Award:
Dr Achyuta Samanta
,Honorable Secretary, KIIT University, instituted an award in the name
of KIMS Award, to be given to the student securing highest mark in Physiology,
from KIMS. He donated Rs. 20,000/- to be deposited in central fund as fixed
deposit. One third of the interest money will be spent for the
award. Rest two third of the interest money will be spent for the student
securing highest mark in Physiology in six Medical Colleges, of Orissa.
Long Live APO